Vice-Adm. Sir James Sommerville
BC Hood
(minimally damaged)
Commanding officer: Capt. I.G. Glennie -
BB ResolutionCommanding officer: Capt. O. Bevir
BB ValiantCommanding officer: Capt. H.B. Rawlings, O.B.E.
800 SquadronNotes: 12 Skuas.
803 SquadronNotes: 12 Skuas.
810 SquadronNotes: 12 Swordfish.
818 SquadronNotes: 9 Swordfish.
820 SquadronNotes: 9 Swordfish.
CL ArethusaCommanding officer: Capt. Q.D. Graham
CL EnterpriseCommanding officer: Capt. J.C. Annesley D.S.O.
Captain (D) A.F. de Salis
DD Faulknor
Commanding officer: Capt. (D) A.F. de Salis -
DD FoxhoundCommanding officer: LCDR G.H. Peters
DD FearlessCommanding officer: CDR K.L. Harkness
DD ForesterCommanding officer: LCDR E.B. Tanock, D.S.C.
DD ForesightCommanding officer: LCDR G.T. Lambert
DD EscortCommanding officer: LCDR. J. Bostock
LCDR. E.G. Heywood Lonsdale
DD Keppel
Commanding officer: LCDR. E.G. Heywood Lonsdale -
DD ActiveCommanding officer: Acting CDR. E.C.L. Turner
DD WrestlerCommanding officer: LCDR. E.N.V. Currey
DD VidetteCommanding officer: LCDR. D.R. Brocklebank (Ret.)
DD VortigernCommanding officer: LCDR. R.S. Howlett
Vice Admiral Marcel-Bruno Gensoul
Vice Admiral Marcel-Bruno Gensoul
BB Strasbourg
(fleet flagship)
Commanding officer: Captain Barrois -
BB Dunkerque
Commanding officer: Captain Louis Collinet
Rear Admiral C.A. Lacroix
Commandant TesteCommanding officer: Captain Lemaire
Fort SantoniNotes: 3 x 194mm guns.
Gambetta BatteryNotes: 4 x 120mm guns.
Espagnole BatteryNotes: 2 x 75mm guns.
Canastel BatteryNotes: 3 x 240mm guns
- ^The aircraft complement for Ark Royal is from Carrier Operations in WWII Vol. 1: The Royal Navy by D. Brown.
- Struggle for the Middle Sea: The Great Navies at War in the Mediterranean Theater, 1940-1945 by Vincent P. O'Hara
- "Chronology of the War at Sea 1939-1945 by J. Rohwer & G. Hummelchen
- "The French Navy in WWII by P. Auphan & J. Mordal
- "The Naval War in the Mediterranean 1940-1943" by J. Greene & A. Massignani
- "Carrier Operations in WWII Vol. 1: The Royal Navy" by D. Brown
- "Selected Bombardments (Mediterranean), 1940-41 (Battle Summaries No. 1, 6, 7 & 19)", B.R. 1736 (38): Naval Staff History - Second World War