Item #4: German Armour

The information contained in the tables accompanying this set of minutes for U.S. Naval Proving Ground (NPG) tests of German Krupp KC n/A (U.S. Navy Class "A" type) and Wh (U.S. Navy Class "B"/STS type) armors in 1946-47 is incorrect. I have some of the same results direct from U.S. Navy N.P.G. sources that allow me to adjust the table to match correct data. The problem is that the projectiles called out in the German Armor U.S. Navy Test Results table in the British document are wrong for the most part and even when correct, the computations to give the correct velocities were done wrong in most cases. The following document corrects these errors.

The calculations are based on the U.S. Navy 'Standard' Major-Caliber (6" AP projectiles and up) Armor Penetration Formula and data set developed in 1931 by Dr. L.T.E. Thompson of the U.S. N.P.G. Armor and Projectile Laboratory. The basic generic formula is called the Thompson "F" Formula and it is given as follows:

V = T.5*D*F / [(41.57*W.5*COS(O)]
  • F = Velocity Adjustment "Fudge-Factor" (Plate+Projectile Quality Adjustment)
  • V = Computed Impact Velocity in feet/second using given "F" value
  • T = Plate Actual Thickness at center of impact in inches
  • D = Projectile Diameter (usually nominal gun bore diameter) in inches
  • W = Projectile Total Weight at impact in pounds
  • O = Impact Obliquity Angle in degrees (zero is normal or right-angles to plate face)

In many cases, V is known and F is computed by rearranging the formula. By using F values instead of V values, small differences in plate and projectile and impact conditions can be adjusted for with negligible effects on the meaning of the results, which makes analysis much easier. F is always in the range of 10,000-99,000, usually near the center of this range.

To allow penetration to be evaluated and estimated, Dr. Thompson also created at the same time a specific formula for computing "F" values from projectile, plate, and impact data based on tests of the very similar post-WWI U.S. Navy BuOrd Class "B" and BuC&R (later, BuShips) Special Treatment Steel (STS) homogeneous, ductile thin and deck armors (equivalent to British "Non-Cemented Armour") hit by the U.S. Navy 8" AP Mark 11 Mod 1 projectile (the first of the "Midvale Unbreakable" AP projectiles, introduced in 1911 and made by the U.S. Midvale Company – one of the three major makers of armor and projectiles for the U.S. Navy during most of the Age of Ironclads) from 0° to 75° obliquity. The result in velocity terms was known as the U.S. Navy Ballistic Limit (NBL) where the standard projectile was estimated to barely pass entirely through the plate ("perforation"); at under 45° obliquity, with no remaining velocity afterwards. The 'Standard' "F"-value used to compute the NBL form of V is found by the formula

F = 6*[(T/D) - 0.45]*[O2 + 2000] + 40,000

The condition of the projectile after the penetration is not given by this formula. Also, though the values are supposed to be for Class "B"/STS tests, the NBL computed was also used for tests of U.S. Navy Class "A" face-hardened armor (equivalent more-or-less to British "Cemented Armour") to act as a comparative standard, though of less actual meaning without interpretation. The results of tests were in many cases, as in this British document, given as "% NBL" values, where the 'imaginary' 100% NBL value is the value of V computed from the above Standard "F" equation applied to the generic "F" Formula. This allows "quick-and-dirty" quality comparisons between similar plates prior to a detailed analysis using the "F" values themselves.

It is of course necessary to have the projectile diameter, projectile actual total weight, plate thickness, obliquity angle, and either the "F" or V value, depending on the direction of the calculation, to get any results. The British document had incorrect U.S. AP projectile weights and also made some calculation errors even when the weights were correct in several cases. I have fixed all of this.

The projectiles actually used in the U.S. tests were:

KC n/A Armor Test Projectiles
Mass (lb.) Type Notes
335 8" AP Mark 21 Mod 5 with a super-hard 650-680 Brinell AP cap 271.9 lb without cap.
1,140 12" AP Mark 18 Mod 1 ALASKA Class cruiser guns only. 1,002.1 lb without cap.
1,500 14" AP Mark 16 Mod 8 Best all-round AP projectile I know of. 1,312.5 lb without cap.
Wh Armor Test Projectiles
Mass (lb.) Type Notes
335 8" AP Mark 21 Mod 3 with Navy standard 555-583 Brinell AP cap 271.8 lb without cap.
12" and 14" AP projectiles are the same as for KC.

No 260-pound 8" AP projectiles (Mark 19 or 20 used by older 8"-gunned U.S. cruisers that could not handle the new, extra-heavy, extra-long Mark 21 AP projectiles) or 870-pound 12" AP projectiles (obsolete WWI 12" Mark 15 Mod 6 "Midvale Unbreakable" projectiles only) were used in these tests. This is the primary British information error – they either were not told or did not understand about the new U.S. 8" and 12" gun ammo. The 8" projectiles' AP cap hardness had noticeable effects here, which is why the improved Mk 21 MOD 5 projectile was used against the KC armor.

Note that a few German plates were so poor compared to the US comparison plates that it was decided that it was not worth finding out how bad they really were, so they merely have "Under XXXX" velocity values, if necessary using the adjustments of the "F" value to calculate the equivalent NBL for a US armor plate of that thickness when a close thickness match was not possible, such as the 11.5" Wh plate (no US Navy STS or Class "B" plate of that thickness was made – after 1930, at least), with 10.7" being the closest US match.

Please adjust the data you use from the Title British Public Records Office (PRO – now renamed The National Archives (TNA)) Document according to the above and following information.

Corrected Results

All "NBL" values computed by the 'Standard' "F" equation applied to the generic "F" Formula.

8-inch Projectiles

8" Projectile (MOD 5) vs. KC n/A at 30° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
7.6" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,826 112 1,630 This Carnegie plate was a non-cemented experimental plate; only a deep face chill applied.
8.5" KC n/A Plate (nominal, actual 21.5cm) 2,026 113 1,793 1
8" Projectile (MOD 3) Wh Test Results at 35° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
7" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,728 105.5 1,638 ft/sec NBL -
7" Wh Plate (nominal, actual 17.5cm) 1,720 105 1,638 ft/sec NBL 2

12-inch Projectiles

12" Projectile KC n/A Test Results at 35° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
8.5" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,328 97 1,369
9" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,391 97 1,434
9.5" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,454 97 1,499
10" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,518 97 1,565
9" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,477 103 1,434
9.5" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,574 105 1,499
8.5" KC n/A Plate (nominal, actual 21.5cm) 1,335 97.5 1,369 2
10" KC n/A Plate (nominal, actual 25cm) 1,667 ft/sec 106 1,565 1
12" Projectile Wh Test Results at 35° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
10.7" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,612 97.2 1,658
10.7" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,724 104 1,658
11.5" Wh Plate (nominal, actual 29cm) Under 1,656 <93.9 1,764 3

14-inch Projectile

14" Projectile KC n/A Test Results at 35° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
10" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,317 87 1,514
10" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,363 90 1,514
10" KC n/A Plate (nominal, actual 25cm) Under 1,241 <82 1,514 3
14" Projectile KC n/A Test Results at 30° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
13.5" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,625 90 1,806
17" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,978 90 2,198
13.5" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,680 93 1,806
17" U.S. Class "A" Plate ("best plate" ref) 2,110 96 2,198
14" KC n/A Plate (nominal, actual 35cm) 1,762 95 1,855 1
15" KC n/A Plate (nominal, actual 38cm) 1,919 97.5 1,968 1
14" Projectile Wh Test Results at 30° Obliquity
Armor Impact velocity NBL (ft/sec) Notes
Ft/sec % NB
12" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("average plate" ref) 1,551 94.7 1,638
17.5" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("average plate" ref) 2,066 91.6 2,256
13.2" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("best plate" ref) 1,747 99 1,765
17.5" U.S. Class "B" Plate ("best plate" ref) 2,090 95 2,256
12" Wh Plate (nominal, actual 30cm) 1,468 89.6 1,638 3
17.5" Wh Plate (nominal, actual 45cm) Under 2,001 <88.7 2,256 3


  • ^
    German plate significantly superior to closest US armor (4 KC and 0 Wh plates.)
  • ^2.12.2
    German plate approximately the same as closest US armor (1 KC and 1 Wh plate.)
  • ^
    German plate significantly inferior to closest US armor (1 KC and 3 Wh plates.)


This article is copyrighted 2011 by Nathan Okun and is reproduced on with permission.

Page History

26 July 2011