New Armor Acceptance (Proof) Tests

Plate Thickness (inch) Obliq. (°) S.V. (feet/sec) Results Remarks
Manufacturer ID
Bethlehem 5A323A1 11.84 35 1637 IP-NBe
11.75 31 1533 IP-NBi
Bethlehem 5J686A1 11 35.5 1559 IP-NBe
Bethlehem 5J498A1 11 35 1535 IP-E
Midvale 6632 9.66 35 1363 CP-X
Bethlehem 5B764A1 9.66 35 1386 IP-NBe Plate holed
Bethlehem 2B213A1 9.56 35 1375 IP-NBe
Carnegie-Illinois EE122 9.56 35 1362 IP-NBe
Midvale 9234 9.18 34.5 1340 IP-NBe
Bethlehem 6B181A1 17.92 28 1984 CP-E Barbette (curved) plate; 3 impacts; no projectile breakage
Bethlehem 6B288A1 17.78 29.5 2153 PP-X Retest plate for lot with 6B181A1 above; passed
17.6 28.5 2021 CP-NXi
17.78 29 1924 CP-NBi
17.74 30 1810 IP-NBi
Bethlehem 6C020A1 17.61 29 1969 IP-BFe Barbette plate; button started
17.5 30 2125 CP-BBe
Carnegie-Illinois EE694 17.37 29.5 2061 CP-NBe Barbette plate; 2 impacts; not enough projectile breakage
Carnegie-Illinois EE747 17.5 30 2121 IP-NXi Retest plate for lot with EE694 above; passed; 2 impacts
Bethlehem 2B583A1 17.5 30 2146 CP-BFe Barbette plate
17.5 30 1991 IP-NBe
Bethlehem 6B190A1 17.43 29.5 2090 IP-X Barbette plate
17.5 28.5 2070 CP-BFe
17.3 30 1984 IP-X
Bethlehem 1B385A1 17.36 29.5 2102 IP-NBe Barbette plate
17.22 27.5 2018 CP-NCe
Midvale 6727 17.08 29 2038 CP-NR Barbette plate; no test (projectile damage not determined)
Midvale 6741 16.93 29.5 2068 CP-NR Retest plate for lot with 6727 above; no test again
17.23 29.5 2086 IP-NBe Passed
Bethlehem 4A288A1 17.08 29.5 2052 CP-NBi Barbette plate; low NBL
Bethlehem 4A279A1 17.08 30.x 2085 IP-NBi Retest plate for lot with 4A288A1 above; passed
17.08 30.x 2119 CP-B2i
Carnegie-Illinois EE125 15.26 32 1929 CP-NBe Barbette plate
Carnegie-Illinois JJ63 13.55 29 1684 IP-NBi 2 impacts
Carnegie-Illinois EE90 12.56 30 1615 IP-NBi
Bethlehem 2A642A1 12.5 31 1625 IP-NBe
Bethlehem 4A712A1 12.46 31 1586 IP-NBe
Bethlehem 2B160A1 12.46 30 1595 IP-NBe Plate holed
Midvale 6711 12.25 30 1585 IP-NBe
Midvale 7596 12.18 30 1573 IP-NBe Plate holed
Midvale 6704 12.18 30.5 1578 IP-NBi
Bethlehem 1B134A1 12.18 30 1563 IP-NBe Plate holed
Midvale 8600 12 30.5 1556 IP-NBi Barbette plate; plate holed
Carnegie-Illinois EE161 11.38 31 1492 IP-NBe
Carnegie-Illinois EE273 11.34 29.5 1470 IP-NBe Plate holed
Midvale 8915 11.06 30.8 1444 IP-NXe Barbette plate
11.03 30 1437 CP-NXe
Bethlehem 3B187A 17.68 27.5 2032 CP-NBi Barbette plate; barely over NBL
Midvale 7596 12.32 25 1462 CP-E Barely over limit
Midvale 7016 12.32 25 1485 IP-E Plate holed
Carnegie-Illinois EE548 12.18 24.5 1447 IP-NBe
Midvale 8039 11.76 25 1435 IP-E Plate holed
Bethlehem 8915 17.3 15 1820 CP-BFe Barbette plate; barely over NBL
17.43 15 1710 IP-E
17.36 29.5 2102 IP-NUe 2 impacts
Midvale/Bethlehem1 4077 13.5 30 2007 CP-BBe Projectile acceptance test
13.5 30 2018 CP-NBe
Midvale/Bethlehem1 4053 13.5 30 1985 CP-BDe

Experimental Projectile & Armor Tests

Plate Thickness (inch) Obliq. (°) S.V. (feet/sec) Results Remarks
Manufacturer ID
Bethlehem 4C209A1 9.81 35 1387 IP-NBi 33% face; TS=98000psi; grooves in back surface; button thrown
9.84 36 1409 CP-NBe 2 impacts
Bethlehem 53C078A1 9.69 35 1355 CP-NBe Original plate: 43.5% face; TS=91000psi
9.65 35 1395 IP-NBe Retreated plate: 62% face; TS=108000psi; plate holed; 2 impacts
Bethlehem 3B642A1 9.63 34.5 1369 CP-NBe Original plate: 36% face; TS=92000psi
9.8 35 1396 IP-NBi Retreated plate: 68.5% face; TS=94500psi; 2 impacts
9.74 35 1425 CP-NBi
Carnegie-Illinois EE537 9.66 34 1369 IP-NBe 50% face; plate holed
Bethlehem 34C250A1 9.56 35.5 1344 CP-BDe Original plate: 39% face; TS=91000psi
9.21 34 1302 IP-NBe Retreated plate: 76% face; TS=98000psi
9.52 34 1356 CP-NBe
Carnegie-Illinois EE940 17.32 30 2110 IP-X Barbette plate; 49.5% face; TS=100000psi; 2 impacts
17.36 30 2163 CP-BDe
Carnegie-Illinois EE183 17.19 28.5 2068 CP-NR Barbette plate; 40% face
Bethlehem 3B253A1 16.3 30 2002 CP-NR Barbette plate
Midvale 6156 14.81 30 1843 SIP-NBe 53% face; TS=97000psi; cemented layer about 1.5" thick
15.06 30 1988 CP-E
Carnegie-Illinois EE879 13.13 30 1685 IP-NBe Barbette plate; 49% face; 2 impacts
Carnegie-Illinois EE829 12.38 29 1612 IP-NBe 48% face; plate holed
Midvale 7331 11.97 31 1576 IP-NBe 50% face; plate holed
Bethlehem 5A306A1 11.37 20 1392 CP-E 48% face
11.37 30 1578 IP-NBe
11.44 30 1654 CP-NBi
11.24 35 1680 IP-X 2 impacts
Midvale 8558 10.68 31 1422 CP-NBi Barbette plate; 49.5% face; retreated plate
Midvale/Bethlehem1 4126 13.5 30 1789 CP-BBe Midvale test projectile with 15% AP cap
Midvale/Bethlehem1 4233 13.5 30 1800 IP-NBe Cr-Ni-Mo alloy test projectile
13.5 30 1830 CP-BBe Midvale test projectile with 15% AP cap
Midvale/Bethlehem1 4441 13.5 30 1819 CP-E Test projectile with 10% AP cap & decreased depth of body hardness
13.5 29.5 1815 CP-BCi Midvale test projectile with 15% AP cap



In the above tables, the "Results" are in the form AA-BBc, where:


Description of projectile penetration.

Code Description
CP Complete penetration (nose, body, and base of projectile passed entirely through plate)
IP Incomplete penetration (no part of projectile behind plate; may or may not make a hole in plate)
PP Partial penetration of broken/shattered projectile (upper body/nose if under 45 degrees obliquity)
SIP Stuck In Plate. Projectile punched hole in plate and remained imbedded (damaged or intact)

Description of damage to projectile. More than one type of damage may occur, but Dr. Hershey only listed worst projectile damage.

Code Description
B2 Projectile broke into 2 big pieces roughly in the middle (usually exposes filler cavity)
BB Body bent roughly in the middle
BF Base flattened on side where it hit plate face
BD Body dented/gouged on one side where it hit plate face
NU Nose upset/compressed
NO Nose offset/bent
NB Nose broken off of projectile (as one piece or into several large pieces)
BC Base cracked
NC Nose cracked
NX Nose shattered/chewed off (broken into small pieces)
X Projectile nose and body shattered into many pieces (projectile rendered ineffective)
E Projectile intact with no significant damage ("excellent")
NR Not recovered (penetrating projectile ended up in Potomac River and was not found)

State of projectile filler cavity.

Code Description
e Projectile filler cavity remains intact, fuze undamaged, and base plug still tight ("effective")
i Projectile filler cavity no longer intact or base plug and/or fuze damaged or knocked out ("ineffective") (U.S. Explosive "D" filler is absolutely inert under all impact conditions)

Other Terms

Plug Out

Base plug and fuze torn out of projectile due to damage.

Base Ring Off

Projectile base enclosing base plug torn off at driving band score (usually projectile was rendered ineffective--British Hadfield Relief Base Plug designed to correct this problem.)

Button Thrown

Plate holed and armor plug punched out plate back during an IP or PP impact (always if CP.)

Button Started

Button Started = Plate holed, but armor plug still partially attached to plate back (IP only) Face depth percentage is to point where ductile back and face merge, measured from face surface Average U.S. Navy post-1930 'Thick Chill' Class "A" armor has about 55% face depth (thickest in WWII) Tensile Strength (TS) is the average normal to the plate back surface at the back surface.


  • ^
    Bethlehem Thin Chill (15-20% face) 1921-25 Class "A" armor made by Midvale under license.


This article is copyrighted by Nathan Okun and is reproduced on with permission.