Background Information

Modern Weapons

1980 to Present

Historical Weapons

Battleship Main Guns

Cruiser / Destroyer Main Guns and Battleship / Cruiser Secondary Guns

24 cm/40 SK L/40
Kaiser Friedrich III, Wittelsbach, Fürst Bismarck and Prinz Heinrich Classes
24 cm/35 K L/35
Siegfried and Odin Classes
21 cm/45 SK L/45
Blücher (1909)
21 cm/40 SK L/40
Victoria Louise, Prinz Adalbert, Roon and Scharnhorst (1907) Classes
20.3 cm/60 SK C/34
Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen Classes
17 cm/40 SK L/40
Braunschweig and Deutschland (1904) Class
155 mm/52 MONARC
Hamburg F220 (Prototype)
15 cm/48 Tbts KC/36
15 cm/48 Tbts KC/36T
Z23 and Z37 "Narvik" Destroyer Classes, Z40/SP1 Scout Cruiser Class and Schlachtschiff "O" Class
15 cm/55 SK C/28
Lützow (ex-Deutschland), Scharnhorst (1938) and Bismarck Classes
15 cm/60 SK C/25
Königsberg (1929), Leipzieg and Nürnberg Classes
15 cm/45 SK L/45
Most Capital Ships 1908-1918 and Cruisers as rearmed 1915-1918

Emden (1925) and AMCs of World War II

15 cm/45 Tbts KL/45
15 cm/45 Ubts + Tbts KL/45
15 cm/45 Ubts + Tbts Flak L/45
S113, V116, G119 and B122 Destroyer Classes

U-Boat "Kreuzer" Classes of World War I

15 cm/40 SK L/40
Kaiser Friedrich III, Wittelsbach, Victoria Louise, Fürst Bismarck, Prinz Heinrich, Prinz Adalbert, Roon and Scharnhorst (1907) Classes
15 cm/35 SK L/35
Gefion and Kaiserin Augusta
12.8 cm/45 KM41
Z46 and Z52 Destroyer Classes
12.8 cm/61 KM40
Shore-based AAA of World War II
12.7 cm/45 SK C/34
Z1, Z17, Z35 and Z43 Destroyer Classes
5"/38 Mark 12 (USA)
Z1 to Z6 (ex-USN Fletcher Class Destroyers)
12 cm/45 Mark 6 and Mark 8 (Netherlands)
ZH1 and K1 Class
10.5 cm/65 SK C/33
Lützow (ex-Deutschland), Scharnhorst (1938), Bismarck, "H," Graf Zeppelin, Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen Classes
10.5 cm/45 SK C/32
Schlesien Class, Emden (1925), Torpedo Boats, F-Boats and Type I, Type IX and Type X U-boats
10.5 cm/55 SK C/28
Bremse and Wolf Classes
10.5 cm/45 SK L/45
10.5 cm/45 SK C/06
10.5 cm/45 Flak L/45
10.5 cm/45 Tbts L/45
10.5 cm/45 Ubts L/45
Kolberg, Magdeburg, Karlsruhe, Graudenz, G96, V170 and U61 Classes

Möwe Class, F-boats, Type 40s and some minesweepers

10.5 cm/40 SK L/40
Grazelle, Bremen (1904), Königsberg (1907), Dresden and Tiger (1900) Classes
10.5 cm/35 SK L/35
Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm Class

Smaller Caliber and Anti-Aircraft Guns